
Signs of Dehydration in the Elderly

Signs of Dehydration in the Elderly | Dehydration Symptoms for Seniors

Neglect in nursing homes takes many forms. Maybe the staff doesn’t come when the person pushes the emergency alarm. Maybe they forget to give them their medication on time. Or, perhaps they don’t help a patient move and roll over, leading to bedsores. Even when it’s not direct abuse, neglect can cause serious issues, especially when it comes to food and water. You’ll need to know the signs of dehydration in the elderly when you place your loved one in a nursing home or assisted living facility. 

Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

Don’t always assume it will involve a major event with massive red flags, though. It could be very simple, something that flies under the radar, but it could still have serious ramifications.

For instance, what if your elderly loved one cannot get food and water on their own, but the staff neglects to help them? Even a short time without water can lead to a tremendous decline in their health.

Signs of dehydration include:

  • Complaining about a dry mouth, about headaches or about feeling dizzy
  • Having trouble walking or even just standing up
  • Having eyes that appear sunken in
  • A drop in urine output, blood pressure or both
  • An increase in instances of constipation and other such issues
  • An increased heart rate

The person may also seem tired, distracted, or disoriented when you talk to them. You’ll be able to tell that something is wrong, even if you’re not sure exactly what it is.

Dehydration Symptoms and Memory Issues

This is especially a problem in nursing homes and assisted living centers because the elderly person may not remember when they last had a drink or may have no ability to communicate their discomfort. You may also expect some of these issues simply because of aging, so you may not notice the neglect. You really have to look for the red flags to see if they’re being neglected, and then you need to know what rights you have if they are.

Our Texas nursing home neglect lawyers offer free consultations.


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